Thursday, April 14, 2011


-Axial layout with Bilateral on one side
-Designed by Brad Backofen
-Designed for a series of design seminars for designers
-Didn't say what year it was done

Eric Timmerman axial

this is a poster done by Jan tschichold in 1927 and it might have been dont while he was working for linotype

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Modular. Drea Zlanabitnig, Pentagram

Couvillion: Bilateral / Grid

This poster has both grid and bilateral structures. It was done by Tarek Atrissi in 2003 for the broadway musical Chess.


Jokers Casino


this is a bilateral grid system from designer Henry Sene Yee in 2008

Design Info:
Designer: Henry Sene Yee
Photographer: Jon Shireman
Typeface: Trade Gothic


Wyoming Office of Tourism: Horses


Advertising Agency: Barnhart Communications, Denver, USA
Creative Director: David Yost
Art Director: Darren Brickel
Associate Art Director: Kyle Siderius
Copywriter: Jim Glynn
Photographer: Paolo Marchesi
Retoucher: Armando Martinez
Published: March 2011


This design was done by Milton Glaser in September 2010. It is an axial system.

Shine - Modular Grid

Designed in 1980 for the CBS Records - The Best of Jazz Cover. It uses a modular grid system .

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Frey_Axial Grid

This poster was designed by Todd Roeth for his "Visual Journal"

I also chose this photo because of our special guest Helvetica today :)

Filippov_Axial grid

Designed by Anne Yvonne Gilbert in 1983. Fun fact, this song shot to the top of the UK charts AFTER being banned by BBC radio, and the rest is history.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Koski_Grid Bilateral

There wasn't really a designer but it was a website that sets up ads etc...Lisa Star is the founder of the site ---> and the year was 2009. The structure used was Bilateral.

Davila_Radial Grid System

I found a James Brown concert poster for Winstar Casinos that used a radial grid system. The design was made in 2007 by Sergio Moctezuma, the senior art director for Tribal DDB.

menefee_assignment 4

Axial grid system. Poster designed by Design Dazzling for a design tutorial.

Friday, April 8, 2011


I picked an ad from a 17 magazine made by Neutrogena in 2011. It uses an axial grid and the axis is on the far right of the page. It's similar to Kisa Brown's layout on page 27 of our book along with Odermatt and Tissi's layout on page 21.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I figured I really didn't need to repost a second image considering the image already shows the grid which is a typical grid, grid system. The poster was designed by BLT & Associates for the movie Vantage Point.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blog Assignment #4 GRIDS

The last few weeks we've been discussing the use of different grid systems (axial, radial, dilatational, random, grid, modular, transitional and bilateral) as a starting point for laying out compositions.

Included in your post assignment: An example of one of these grid structures. Include the Designer name/Company and year. You will post up two images. The original image AND the image with an overlay demonstrating the grid structure. Refer to the Kimberly Elam book "Typographic Systems". You can create the overlay image by lowering the original opacity in Photoshop and drawing a colored layer on top pointing out the grid structure. Remember to save it as a jpg when finished.

Add the label "grids". If the labels are not present you will not receive credit. The labels are meant for organization. If post are not labeled they will get lost in the blog. grade!!

DUE by Thursday, April 14th by 8am (BEFORE CLASS!!!)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sikes_Revised Dead Man Walking

What do you think about the layout now?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Filippov - Opera layout revision

Revised. Does it work?
Feels too uptight to be butterfly wings...

Monday, March 28, 2011


Please give me lots of feedback. Thanks!

Eric Timmerman Madame butterfly

Piper Opera Rough

Edit: I took your ideas and revised my rough. What do you think?
First Rough
Revised Draft

Davila_Lucia Di Lammermoor

I am debating over which typeface is more appropriate for the Lammmermoor opera. I like both, but I think Futura is more attention grabbing and has better readability.

*Revised: I worked on my first rough and evened everything out. please tell me what you think.

leal_the marriage of figaro