Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sikes_Revised Dead Man Walking

What do you think about the layout now?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Filippov - Opera layout revision

Revised. Does it work?
Feels too uptight to be butterfly wings...

Monday, March 28, 2011


Please give me lots of feedback. Thanks!

Eric Timmerman Madame butterfly

Piper Opera Rough

Edit: I took your ideas and revised my rough. What do you think?
First Rough
Revised Draft

Davila_Lucia Di Lammermoor

I am debating over which typeface is more appropriate for the Lammmermoor opera. I like both, but I think Futura is more attention grabbing and has better readability.

*Revised: I worked on my first rough and evened everything out. please tell me what you think.

leal_the marriage of figaro

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dale_ Peter Grimes

I tried to get the second one more angled from the lower left corner. Should I push this more, choose a different corner, or just go with the centered idea?