Tuesday, March 29, 2011


inspired by the symmetry of butterfly wings, shattering objects, and ripples of water.


  1. The ripple isn't working as well as the other two. At this point the angled axis "butterfly wing" one works the best. Line up your axis better. It seems to be moving back and forth down the center. Make sure you include at least one quote from the info catalog. Also, there needs to be a greater visual difference between the sm, med and large font sizes.

  2. it's also missing the opera synopsis

  3. make sure all of these elements are present:

    a. title
    b. director
    c. website
    d. phone number
    e. dates / time
    f. location
    g. description
    h. quote(s)

  4. Noted. Guess the ripples didn't quite turn out like I wanted.


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