Sunday, September 27, 2009

Prochaska Proj 3 Roughs

Rough #1: With this rough I wanted the composition to reflect the repetitiveness of my day. Each spiral that circles around the bed says the same thing. I chose Myriad Pro for the typeface for its simple sans-serif characteristics. The only problem I'm having with this one is I'm not sure how easy it is to recognize the bed as a bed.

Rough #2: I wanted to do a simple composition. Each box represents a part of my day and how awake I am. I selected Myriad Pro for the typeface because it was a sans-serif text and worked with the over all simplicity of the piece.


  1. It took me a long time to get that the rectangular figure was a bed...too long. maybe instead of all the zzz's use the word Bed the shape might read faster that way. Regardless, this is my favorite composition. Really tells the story. I feel like its more thought full.

  2. In your first rough the bed defiantly reads as a bed. My eye keeps getting pulled back to the empty space above the bed, but unless you make the bed larger I don’t know what you could do. Overall the concept is really neat. Did you try having each circle be a different day, or a different time you would come back to your bed.
    In the second rough I really like the checkerboard and the clumps of color, but I do not like the faces. Did you consider creating more images inside of the blocks of color by clumping together more letters, or even making the faces out of a series of letters instead of the glyphs? The problem really seems to lie with the cleanliness of the faces over the roughness of the color blocks.
    Overall you are doing a good job, and honestly I think you could choose either one, but of the two I think I would choose the second rough. I feel that it stands out better against the rest of the images done by the other students.
    -Ryan Lewis

  3. Just to let you know, I can tell that the first one is a bed. ☺ I think the typeface you used works well with it. It’s simple and clear. However, I think you should try to make the composition a little more dynamic. Maybe you could have more of the repeating circles and have them go all the way off the edge of the page. Or spiral down or something? Either that or zoom in on it a little more. It just seems too static and just… THERE. It needs some movement.
    I like the second rough more that the first. I like the black and white contrast and it is very simplistic, yet dynamic at the same time. The typeface works well with it, but I think if you used a thinner font weight (you may have to change the typeface in order to do that) and just overlapped more of the words it would create more of a gradient. I think the faces would look better in a thinner font weight as well.

    -Amber Jones


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