Monday, September 28, 2009

Bramblett Proj3 Roughs

Cropped weird after i saved for web, but you get the idea. This day was my first date with my now fiance. I used bookman font because i like the "old with the new" that austin does. My actual photo is cropped to where you cant tell the film is an "S"
For some reason when i saved for web it created a different size for my image. oh well. This is just a night that I procrastinated on a project and i usually talk myself into "taking a break" but of course the next morning was chaos. I used futura because the font seemed to hold up my sarcastic tone.


  1. Kristin Bramblett-
    I like the SXSW rough the best out of the two. It is more pictorial and is more exciting. I think it looks better without the serif on the S, but I think you mentioned that it wasn’t suppose to be seen. Without the serif it looks like film. I think you did a good job creating the ticket, it looks real but you can still tell it’s made using type which is good. I think you should make it extend all the way from the top left corner to bottom right corner. Maybe by rotating the “S” more clockwise it would fit better in the space. I think you could also make the reel bigger because I think the sizes don’t seem proportional and it is completely overwhelmed by the SXSW.
    The other one is an interesting idea and tells an interesting story, but I don’t think it is as interesting. I also feel like the clock doesn’t look like you used font to create it. It looks good but I can only tell in the cord that you used font. I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing, but it did catch my attention.

  2. I like your first one, it’s very graphically interesting, but I think it would be better if there was a bit more storytelling going on, just from looking at the comp I would say it’s an advertisement for SXSW, not a date with your fiancĂ©. One way I think you could incorporate that into your existing design would be to scale down the graphical bit and add some story above and below it. As far as the typeface on the 1st one I like it, it does as you put it have an old yet new quality that I think is perfect for “Austin” feel you were going for. The second one is good but I think your 1st is the strongest, as far as improving the 2nd I would say try playing with different weights of text, throw in a few outlined pieces of text and see how that feels to you.


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