Monday, September 28, 2009

Rodriguez_Project 3 Roughs

So for my first rough, I usually start my mornings off by reviewing a list of things in my mind that I need to do for that day. Basically anything with school, those are my priorities. I'm always on a rushed schedule... So through out my day I block out distractions that sometimes can interfere basically anywhere I go, such as my phone and internet, even day dreaming. You can also see in the image when that the figure is pushing down distractions. The feeling conveyed in this image should be of a rushed and busy day, stressful, and untop of things.
For the 2nd, It's the same Idea, the message is obvious because my day is an hour glass. Like I had said above I'm on a rushed schedule. Priorities are at top of my day, and distractions at the bottom of my day.


  1. In the first project, upon first glance I didn’t get that the figure was pushing words down until after reading your comment. I also think it’s a little busy, which could work for you seeing how you have a BUSY school schedule. I tend to like the simplicity of the second project. Although on the right side of the hourglass I can’t really understand some of the words describing part of your day. I think if you add some of the words from the first project to the second where you have prioritize for the shine, I think we would get the point better. I think the word prioritize is being over used, and I don’t think that’s necessary. Maybe even have some words or letters falling through the hourglass. This would even give your project some movement. Overall I would probably combine the 2 projects and go with the hourglass.

  2. I like the outline of the person, but it can be a bit confusing based on how some of the words are cut off, and I don’t really get the point of the smaller circles. Are they buttons of a sort? You might be able to play with the work “Alarm”, give it some movement or add some extra figures around it to make it stand out more. Alarm also looks as if it isn’t centered exactly.
    I find the simplicity of your second piece nice. I don’t understand though how prioritize and distractions is used in the composition. You might want to change the bottom wave of words from prioritize to distractions to match the word at the bottom. The work “class” at the bottom right bothers me in how it’s cut off. I’m sure you can tweek the piece enough to get the entire word together.
    To get the strongest work, I agree with the first comment. Take some of the words from the first piece and work them into the second. You might be able to have some words going on outside of the hourglass, or even have it break and the words come sweeping out.


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