Monday, September 28, 2009

Sambola Proj3 Roughs

My first rough is a typical morning for me. My alarm literally goes off every 10 minutes until I wake up, late. The increase in size reflects the increasing annoyance of the noise. The small comments are my thoughts throughout the morning and of course the expletive when I realize I'm going to be late for class.

My second rough is what starts out as a very organized, boring day filled with unimportant things. Once work started my day kind of went downhill fast. So things got thrown off starting with drama at the desk then a day-wrecking phone call, hence the titling of things.


  1. Conceptually, both images are strong but simple. The rough with the alarm makes me laugh a little just because I have experienced mornings like that one too many times. Watching the word “alarm” just grow and grow and get bolder and bolder is crucial for this design to work. It really captures the annoyance of the alarms. I also really enjoy the fact that your thoughts in between remain the same size. It starts out as a benevolent thought and then turns into you begging for more time and then frustration…. It reminds me of stages of grief or something of that nature.

    The second rough is even stronger than the first as far as concepts go, in my opinion. The organization and drabness of the unimportant things start out nice with the choice of alternating bold type and regular type. But when things start falling apart and going bad, I think that there should be a little more diversity to give it a feel of chaos…. maybe tilt certain words a little more to make things seem off kilter.

  2. This first rough really makes me smile because I think a mass majority of us go through this same thing every morning. I like that you listed every time the alarm goes off and the thoughts you have with the growing annoyance gives a good visual. I’m not sure about your letter placements though; the alarms towards the bottom that are bolder look a little bit awkward. Maybe you could try spacing them apart a little bit so the letters and parentheses are not touching or if you want to keep them that way then maybe have them overlap even more and experiment with making the parts that touch white or something along those lines. I’m not so sure about the wavy lines in the bottom left corner, they seem a little out of place. I would try either taking them out completely or making them parallel with the others. Over all not a bad composition!

    I like your idea behind the second image with the repeated pattern and how organized everything is. I also like how you made everything curve across the page as if it’s spiraling out of proportion. I think your in the right direction with the different font styles however I would try tilting them even more out of dysfunction and maybe overlap a few more in the middle. The periods look a little out of place in the parts where things start to go downhill, since everything is supposed to be falling apart then it would seem more like they don’t have an end and keep running into the next problem. I would just take out the ones starting with “hassle” and leave the one after sleep so that way it does finally end. Over all I like this one better and would probably use it for your final composition, just try changing things around a little bit and add a few more in depth words.


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