Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Perry-Proj 3 Roughs

For my first composition I wanted to show the viewer what I do during my day, plus how I want to be during my day. So the cross exemplifies all the traits I try to convey during my day and how I feel I should be to others, and the shadow is what I do during my day and it kind of shadows and reflects my personality and traits during my day. I selected Myriad as my typeface because I wanted something simple with no serifs to confuse the view when they look at my composition.

For my second composition I explain a day in my life when I woke up late and rushed out the door, and inevitably got stuck on the bus by a train on my way to school. I wanted the composition to be hectic and decline as my day goes on until the end when I realize class was cancelled and there was no point rushing to class. I used Futura as my typeface because I liked the way the font has different styles, as one is condensed, black, medium, and italic. I liked all my options for that typeface to explain my hectic day.


  1. First Idea: It sends a very strong message. I feel like it is saying that spiritual things are what is most important and everything else is just in it’s shadow. I feel the shadow of the cross could use some work. Just play around with arranging the text. Also make all the letters the same size in the shadow….I think that would help with the look and the things in the shadow are all not as important as the things in the cross anyways.
    Second Idea: I like this one a lot better. It is more interesting to me. The downward run of the text is very engaging. It made me want to read and see what was going to happen. Also we can all relate to this where as a lot of people would see the cross in your first composition and be turned off either because they know what it is going to be about or they don’t care for religion. Go with the second.

  2. The first one is very clear, the contrast in the color as well as the differences in the way the words are organized gets the meaning across very well. Even from far away the words like church and trust are very clear in the cross, which helps enforce the idea that the cross is representing; whereas words such as relax and shower, though not necessarily “negative” qualities, are shown in the black area to show a some what different few of what you do with your days.

    The second one was a bit harder to figure out, still not sure what the shape is you’re trying to make. However this one was a lot more fun to read through, it had all sorts of different angles to lead the viewer’s eye around. Also the use of font thickness was much better utilized in this piece, which helps move the viewers attention about the page as I said earlier.

  3. Hi Jennifer,

    Rough One: Nice, thoughtful concept. The dimensions of the cross seem about right, and I like the width of each part. What you’re showcasing is very distinguishable. However, it needs some tweaking just to make it more appealing. For the cross, I suggest equal spacing between lines and uniform font size. If you still want to distinguish particular words, I’d try using a bold or black face. For the shadow, try making it more similar to the cross by not angling the words as you have. It’s more distracting than appealing. Myriad seems like a good choice – maybe try another serif, perhaps Baskerville for a more antique look.

    Rough Two: Nice expressive type. Futura is a great choice. I would take the expression up a few notches. For example, “wooot wooot” could perhaps be set in Futura Black (we all know how annoying train horns can be); “wave at friends” could have more waving action, too. Perhaps to convey your disappointment/annoyance at class being cancelled, you could space it farther away from the rest, to convey a pause as you realize you stressed for nothing.

    I suggest pursuing the first one – it’s a more unique and personal concept.

  4. Jennifer,
    Your first rough is a good concept and executed well. The bottom cross needs some cleaning up though. The word stress in the shadow needs to be straightened a little more. I also think the top of the shadow cross should go off the bottom of the page or at least to the very bottom. I like how some of the words on both crosses are bolded in the same places to show some connection.
    Your second rough is a bit more interesting to see. Good story but I think you can make the word train a little bigger… Also make the beginning of the story more straightened out too. It just shows that the very first part of your day isn’t as hectic and fast as the rest of it. Maybe make “alarm” smaller, because this story is mostly about the train and it’s a little distracting trying to read the rest of it. My favorite though is the second one, Good luck!

  5. Hey there! You should try making the cross have a more crisp line as well as the cross shadow. It’s a little jagged. Try working with the perspective of the shapes, also. Maybe add a little more to the shadow to make it more interesting and make the viewer notice the shadow better. Make the words trust, love, forgiveness, and church stand out more. That was a good concept. Just make those words stand out more as it will maybe convey a softer and honest feeling to the composition.

    As for the second composition, you should make it have more action. You say it was a day that was rushed and hectic. You should make it have more action and feelings of stress and craziness. Make things stand out more. Work with the placement of words and letters. It’s a good start. I like the wwwooooooff wooooofffff---do more things like that!!

  6. Jennifer, the first composition has a stronger concept than the second one. But I like the design of the second one. In the first composition I like the shadow of the cross. Did you tried to use Futura for your first composition? I think the Futura font better than the Myriad font for your composition. What I really like about the second one is the different type styles you used to convey your activities. On my opinion the second one is more interesting.

  7. First rough: GREAT CONCEPT! Listing all the attributes, convictions, and characteristics of yourself, conveys what you stand for. All though you are trying to be all these things I love how you divide and reflect the cross with the actualities of what really going on in your life. Good use of positive and negative space.

    Second Rough: I like how you start from the left and go down, the never-ending cycle of having one of those horrible days and feel like you couldn’t be any more stressed. Good use of movement with words.

    Overall, I enjoy the first rough and the your design of the cross. I would suggest working on the cross a little more, just minor tweaks to it with the alignment of the cross. I really like the bottom cross how it gets chaotic. Great concept, good use of space, balance is good, just minor tweaks with the top cross. =)

  8. I would go with the cross because it is unique to you. The cross and shadow needs better definition. Have a few more all caps like you did with "forgiveness and trust". The shadow could be done in smaller type size to give a sense of depth.


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